Dear Friends,
We greatly look forward to welcoming you on behalf of the Irish Society for Immunology (ISI) and the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS) to the 7th European Congress of Immunology (ECI) in Dublin from September 1st-4th 2024.

ECI2024 Congress President
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
As President of the European Federation of Immunological Societies (EFIS), it is my pleasure to extend this invitation to you to join us in Dublin in September 2024 at the Seventh European Congress of Immunology (ECI 2024).

EFIS President
AUDITORIUM | 16:15-17:00

James P. Allison
Regental Professor and Chair Department of Immunology Director, James P. Allison Institute Vice President, Immunobiology Executive Director, Immunotherapy Platform
Olga Keith Wiess Distinguished University Chair for Cancer Research
AUDITORIUM | 11:55-12:40

Senior Scientist, Princess Margaret Cancer, University Health Network Professor, Department of Medical Biophysics and Immunology, University of Toronto
Co-Director (Scientific), Centre for Oncology and Immunology, Hong Kong
Honorary Professor, Department of Pathology, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong
AUDITORIUM | 13:30-14:15

Pr. Yasmine Belkaid
Director NIAID Microbiome program
Co-Director NIH Center for Human Immunology
Chief Metaorganism Immunology Section
Chief Laboratory of Host Immunity and Microbiome, Bethesda, MD, USA

Cecilia Garlanda PhD, Professor
Full Professor of Clinical Pathology
Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Immunopathology
Humanitas University
Pieve Emanuele, Milan, Italy

Judith E. Allen
Professor FRS, FRSE, FRSB, FMedSci of Immunobiology
The University of Manchester
Lydia Becker Institute for Immunology & Inflammation
Wellcome Centre for Cell-Matrix Research Faculty of Biology, Medicine & Heal

Luke O’Neil
Inflammation Research Group School of Biochemistry and Immunology
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute
Trinity College Dublin

Steffen Jung
PhD, Professor
The Henry H. Drake Professorial Chair of Immunology
Department of Immunology & Regenerative Biology (IRB)
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

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